International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences 2019 was organized this time in Beijing, China from 26th to 31st May. Six days, including the presymposium on Sunday 26th May, we enjoyed the presentations from all over the world covering various topics in the field of radiopharmaceutical sciences. Of course, we also presented our group’s results and in total we had 5 presentations during the week; 1 oral and 4 poster presentations. More about our presentations can be found here.

In addition to the scientific content, our conference trip included a lot of social activities. The symposium excursion was directed to the Summer Palace, a beautiful imperial garden. We attended among all the Finns in the conference to the Night of Finland, sponsored by Huayi Isotopes Co., where we had the honor of having a dinner with Prof. Fan Wang, the ISRS 2019 Chair. The conference week culminated on the symposium dinner, which included traditional chinese food and performances. Thanks to all of these events, the converations in the coffee and lunch breaks and the poster sessions, we met many new people in the field and so many new potential collaborations coming up in the future. Stay tuned!