Kemian kevät 2022 ”Näköalapaikalla”

Our research team had a BSc  presentation and three Msc presentations in the Department of Chemistry’s student symposium “Kemian kevät 2022”. Our team might be small but it’s going strong! Our group member Simo Salo was awarded for his MSc presentation and MSc Lotta Uusitalo won the Antti Vesala award for her poster presentation.

Simo Salo and Lotta Uusitalo

Save the date: Thesis defense on 19th March 2021

MSc Salla Lahdenpohja defends her dissertation in Radiochemistry entitled ”Synthesis of 18F-labelled radiopharmaceuticals for CNS imaging: From radiosynthesis development to GMP production” on 19.3.2021 at 12.00 in Laurén 2 Lecture Hall (Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku). Due to the current COVID situation, the audience can participate in the defence by remote access.

Opponent: Prof. Raisa Krasikova (Russian Academy of Science), Custos: Adj. prof. Anna Kirjavainen (University of Turku).